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While You Wait // Kingdom Come Pt 2
While you WAIT on God trust that He is WORKING.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Ready For the Return // Kingdom Come Pt 1
We PREPARE for Christ's return by living a life that PLEASES Him.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Firm Foundation // Summer On the Mount Pt 8
The DECISIONS we make DICTATE the life we lead.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Summer on the Mount Pt 7
Instead of judging someone else's wrong doings, let's focus on changing ours.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Proper Priorities // Summer on the Mount Pt 6
If you want to change your LIFE, change your PRIORITIES.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Motivation Matters // Summer on the Mount Pt 5
Jesus wants His followers to give, pray, and fast with humility and the proper motivations.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Built Different // Summer on the Mount Pt 4
When it's DIFFICULT to love others, we have to be DIFFERENT.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Inside Out // Summer on the Mount Pt 3
The work Jesus does in our lives is from the inside out.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Shake the Salt and Shine the Light // Summer on the Mount Pt 2
Our faith is not something to be HELD onto till we get to HEAVEN, it's something to HAND out HERE on earth.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Kingdom Culture // Summer on the Mount Pt 1
To live out Kingdom CULTURE, we must understand Kingdom CHARACTER.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Empty Nets // Father’s Day
When life feels EMPTY, Jesus is more than ENOUGH.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
The Holy Spirit Leads Us // The Holy Spirit Pt 4
Let the Holy Spirit LEAD you in every area of your LIFE.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
The Holy Spirit With Us // The Holy Spirit Pt 3
You need God's POWER to carry out god's PURPOSES
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
The Holy Spirit Fills Us // The Holy Spirit Pt 2
The FILLING of the Holy Spirit is a FLAME on your heart that ignites a PASSION for God's PURPOSES.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
The Power of Pentecost // The Holy Spirit Pt 1
We need the Holy Spirit to change us and to carry out the purposes of God.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Leaving A Legacy // Mother’s Day // Speaker Pastor Hayley Judah
Your choices can IMPACT generations.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
The Power of Grace // Guest Speaker Eric Joyner
You are never too far gone for God’s grace.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Stand In Faith // Miracle In The Middle (Part 5)
Trust that God is doing SOMETHING even you can’t SEE it yet.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Step Away // Miracle In The Middle (Part 4)
Sin is a SLOW fade that happens one STEP at a time.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Stay Or Go // Miracle In The Middle (Part 3)
FAITHFULNESS to God will lead to FRUITFULNESS in your life.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.