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Stress Less // From Distracted to Devoted Pt 2
You can’t always control stress, but you can control how you react to it.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Break the Busy Cycle // From Distracted to Devoted Pt 1
You ELIMINATE busyness when you stop ENTERTAINING what doesn't add value to your life.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Godly Over Good
Some things in life are good but not God. As Christians our lives should reflect God each and every day.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Let It Be // Unwrapping Christmas Pt 4
Instead of seeking to control everything in your life, seek to surrender everything to God.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Right Pieces // Unwrapping Christmas Pt 3
Let God put the right pieces together in your life.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Divine Interruption // Unwrapping Christmas Pt 2
What seems like a divine INTERRUPTION might be an INVITATION from God to move in your life.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Missing Peace // Unwrapping Christmas Pt 1
Peace does't happen when you don't have problems, peace happens when you trust God.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Dealing With Discontent // Live More Worry Less Pt 3
You will always battle discontentment until you let Jesus be your source.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
The Disease to Please // Live More Worry Less Pt 2
Our PURSUIT should be in PLEASING God not people.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Counterfeit Comfort // Live More Worry Less Pt 1
The greater that God has for our lives often gets lost between COMFORT and CALLING.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
What Is God’s Will?
Our DECISIONS should be DISCERNED by God's will.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Saved to Serve // Missio Dei Pt 3
When you SERVE others, you SHOW the love of Christ.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Missio Dei Pt 2
Your dream is God’s to fulfill and ours to pursue.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Mission Moments // Missio Dei Pt 1
Every MOMENT in your life is an opportunity to live out the MISSION of God.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Trying or Training // Wins and Losses Pt 4
Real and lasting change isn't behavior modification, it's spiritual transformation.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Take That Trial // Wins and Losses Pt 3
Don't look at struggle as a losing season, look at it as a chance to grow in your faith.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
At A Distance // Wins and Losses Pt 2
You can have STRENGTH in your STRUGGLE when you know God is with you.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Facing Your Giants // Wins and Losses 1
You can't defeat your giants if you aren't willing to face them.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.
Anchors Away // Kingdom Come Pt 3
Don't let anything cause you to drift away, be anchored to truth.
Transforming Life Church is based out of Plant City, FL, with Lead Pastor, Kyle Judah.